Access 2003 - VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
2 days
Who should attend?
Anyone who finds that macros are not enough to perform the tasks that they require out of their database.
Familiarity with topics covered in modules:
- ACC-03-01 - Introduction
- ACC-03-02 - Using Forms and Data Input
- ACC-03-03 - Form Design Basic
- ACC-03-04 - Queries Basic
- ACC-03-05 - Reports Basic
To gain an understanding of how to use VBA and what can be accomplished by it in Access.
Course Content
What is VBA? Explanation of subroutines and functions.
Visual Basic Editor
The VB Editor screen. VB Editor options. VBA syntax. VBA help when typing. Insert comment text.
Declare variables and variable scope. Variable data types.
Control Structures
Control the branching / flow of a subroutine using IF statements, Do...Loops, For...Next Loops, For...Each Loops, Case Statements.
Event Procedures
Understand 'events' and the sequence of various events. Write a routine that runs when a particular event occurs.
Error Handling
Write error trapping code to make the routine more robust.
What is DAO? The Object Hierarchy. Using Recordsets. Using Querydefs.
What is OLE? Communicating with OLE compliant applications.