Outlook 2003 - Refresher
2 hours
Who should attend?
Anyone who has been using Outlook to send and receive messages but wishes to explore the potential further.
Ability to send an email message to individuals within the organisation and to read and print incoming email messages.
The course is designed to enhance the skills of existing Outlook users. The emphasis is on the integration between email, contacts and the corporate templates.
Course Content
The Outlook Window
Use the Outlook bar and folder list to move around the mailbox. Customise the Outlook Bar to add, rename and remove shortcuts & groups. Switch between views. Create and save views.
Display & print the calendar in daily, weekly or monthly views. Create, edit and delete appointments. Create recurring appointments. Create annual events.
Create, edit and delete contacts. Sort contacts. Send a message to a contact. Insert a contact’s address in a Word document.
Inbox, Sent Items
File incoming and outgoing messages in folders. Set message options of priority and sensitivity. Track when a message has been delivered or read.
Message attachments (insert files/documents in a message). Out of Office Assistant. Create an AutoSignature.
Send a message to an external Internet address. Send a fax via Outlook. Send a message using a distribution list. Create a personal distribution list. Archive messages.
Public folders
Structure of the public folder system. Access and read items in a public folder. Post documents/messages to a public folder.