Word 2003 - Creating Different Page Layouts



2 hours

Who should attend?

The module will suit all users who need to work with a variety of page layout formats when creating or editing documents.


A knowledge of text and paragraph formatting and document fundamentals is essential.


You will learn how to: Produce and present text and pages in a variety of different layouts e.g. columns and page size/orientation. Understand section breaks. Take advantage of some of Word’s page layout tools.

Course Content

Page breaks

Understand pagination. Insert and delete page breaks.

Paper size and margins

Work with different paper sizes. Change top, bottom, left or right page margins.

Landscape pages

Work with landscape documents. Change the orientation of page layouts.

Section breaks

Understand the different section breaks options. Insert or remove: next page, continuous page, even page or odd page section breaks.

Newspaper columns

Create and format newspaper columns. Insert and remove column breaks. Balance columns.

Page numbering

Insert page numbering. Alter the format of page numbering. Remove existing page numbering.

Headers & footers

Create, edit and delete section headers and footers.

Page borders

Apply page borders to a section or the entire document.

Follow-on Courses