Word 2003 - Document Sharing



2 hours

Who should attend?

The module will suit all users who need to make changes to text in documents that are shared with colleagues.


A knowledge of text and paragraph formatting and document fundamentals is essential.


You will learn how to: Insert, edit, read and delete document comments. Track changes made to the original document text (revision marking). Password protect documents.

Course Content

Document comments

Insert document comments to comment on existing text. Edit a comment. Delete a comment. Undo the deletion. Convert a comment to document text.

Track changes

Turn on the Track Changes feature. Display options for comments and track changes. Turn off the Track Changes feature.


Print a document to display comments and track changes. Print a document without comments and track changes showing. Print a list of changes made to a document.

Add a routing slip

Send the document to colleagues using Routing Recipient.

Compare and merge

Merge comments and changes from several reviewers into one document. Compare the original file with each edited version and add/merge tracked change marks.


Set the option to show track changes on opening a document. Set the option to warn if a document contains track changes when saving, printing or emailing the document.

Review tracked change marks

Accept or reject the tracked changes within the document.

Password protect

Assign a password to a document to prevent amendments.

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