Word 2003 - Working With Styles
2 hours
Who should attend?
The module will suit any user who wishes to apply formatting consistently and quickly within a document, especially long documents.
A knowledge of text and paragraph formatting and document fundamentals is essential.
You will learn how to: Create and apply paragraph styles to format text. Modify styles. Create styles by example.
Course Content
Use Corporate styles
Use the standard heading styles in the corporate templates to format paragraph headings.
Modify existing styles
Modify the elements of a style by changing text and paragraph attributes.
Create a style
Create a style with customised font and paragraph attributes.
Apply styles
Shortcut keys for applying styles and removing styles. Apply styles to an existing document using the styles pane. Find and replace formatting with styles.
Style location
Understand where a style is located. Use the organiser to copy a style between documents and to copy a style to a template. Delete a style from the Normal template.
Outline mode
View a document in outline mode. View all heading style levels.