Word 2003 - Working With Long Documents
2 hours
Who should attend?
The module will suit all users who need to work with long documents and need to generate contents pages and indexes.
A knowledge of paragraph styles is essential.
You will learn how to: Generate a table of contents based upon paragraph styles. Define an index. Insert cross references.
Course Content
Paragraph Styles
Apply the styles of Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 to headings and subheadings in the document. Understand the relationship between heading styles, outline view and table of contents.
Outline View
Apply styles in Outline view. Promote and demote headings. Move headings and associated text.
Table of Contents
Generate a table of contents based upon paragraph headings. Move text in a document and update the table of contents. Alter the style of the table of contents.
Define index entries. Generate an index. Alter the appearance of the index using paragraph styles. Generate an index using a concordance file (automark).
Cross reference
Insert a cross reference to a document heading and it's page number.